Category Archives for Removals

First Home – Shopping List for Moving


Although it’s exciting moving into your first home, there’s more to flying the nest and you’ll need more than you probably imagine you do. It’s easy to get wrapped up in calculating the cost of the actual move itself, the mortgage or rent you’ll be paying, gas/electricity and all those kinds of things. However, there’s […]

Moving Within Europe


No-one really is going to be surprised that it costs a lot of money when moving within Europe. Given that it’s expensive enough to move around the corner, let alone from one part of the UK to another, it’s hardly surprising that moving to mainland Europe, across the channel, is going to see the costs […]

green packaging boxes

Green Packaging


Green Packaging – Are you concerned about your carbon footprint and the impact you have on the environment? Your aim to have as sustainable and eco-friendly a lifestyle can be problematic when you’re moving to a new house. That’s because, in order to move to a new house, you need to put all of your […]

Preparing your vehicle for cold weather


The weather is turning, the air turns colder, the sky darker and the roads wetter. Winter is coming and the earlier you can get your vehicle prepared the safer you can be. Even if the snows and ice don’t come there are still things to take care of. Things such as: The fluids In colder […]

Transport Jobs completed in 2019


Whatever you need to move, or whatever your transport jobs, Delivery Quote Compare can provide access to listings and fast quotes, here are only a few of the things that have been listed, quoted and accepted so far this year..   1000 hotel banqueting chairs mix of wooden and metal, stacking chairs  Collect from: Glasgow Glasgow […]

Get rid of the clutter in 2019


Fresh Start to the new year, de-clutter your home, clear some space and maybe make some money. The new year is a typical time where we take stock, make some resolutions and try to be positive about the upcoming year. Some of this is a purely mental task, some is physical, and some relates to […]

Happy New Year 2019


Happy new year to all our customers and transporters! Whether you’re looking to move cherished items, furniture or vehicles use Delivery Quote Compare in 2019 to save money, time and effort getting quotes from multiple transport companies. If you’re a transporter looking for more work in 2019, join our expanding community of transport companies gaining […]

The three methods of towing, which is for you?


When transporting a vehicle the simplest option is just to drive it to the destination. However, sometimes it’s not practical to do this, or it’s broken down in some way. When you’re in this situation you have multiple options to tow it. Here are three options, flatbed trucks, two wheel ‘dolly’ towing and flat towing. […]

Thermometer at high temperature

The importance of temperature in transporting


When transporting a delicate item across a country or internationally, you have to make sure it’s in the right hands and packed correctly.  When packing a lot of things are obvious. You want it protected against any bumps and scrapes that can happen as it’s getting moved around. However one thing that can be overlooked […]

watching television

From one living room to another, moving a television


For many houses the centre piece of the living room is the television. TV’s have gotten much more advanced than just catching signals from radio masts. A TV these days can connect to the internet, show films in 4K resolution and thousands of colours, and be as thin as a pound coin. Of course TV’s […]