Can I collect my parcel without a non-delivery card?

Can I collect my parcel without a non-delivery card? Non-delivery cards are ridiculously easy to lose, often getting mistaken for junk mail and binned, or simply misplaced when put in a ‘safe’ place; should you receive a parcel non-delivery card and then lose it, don’t panic, all is not lost, you can still collect your parcel.

In lieu of a non-delivery card, most parcel companies request that proof of identity is provided through specific forms. Every company will have a different policy on what identification they require in the event that you’ve lost your non-delivery card, so it’s worth checking their website or giving them a call for details prior to leaving for your local depot to collect your parcel. In most instances they will usually either require photo ID, such as a drivers license or passport, or proof of address, such as a utility bill, or both.

Your parcel will remain with the company for only a limited period of time before being returned to sender, so don’t waste time searching the house for your non-delivery card and contact the company immediately to confirm the parcel’s location and check what identification is required to arrange collection. The holding period varies depending on the type of service used to send your parcel and the point of origin, and can range between seven to twenty-one calendar days, and goes as high as ninety if no return address has been provided, before unclaimed parcels are disposed of. In order to be sure of collecting your parcel, even without your non-delivery card, try to collect within seven calendar days or contact the company to confirm/arrange against returning to sender.

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