Category Archives for News

Christmas Deliveries

Top Tips for smooth Christmas deliveries


Christmas can often be a worrying make or break time for many retailers – especially those who operate online and rely on an efficient delivery service to get their goods to their consumers. In order to ensure the smooth running of operations during this time, a good relationship between retailers and delivery companies is vital. […]

worldwide shipping

Are You Sending Items Aboard That You Shouldn’t?


When it comes to buying a gift or making a purchase online, you rarely think about the possibility that the item that you are sending could be about to breach the mail regulations of various countries across the globe and in the bid to make things easier for you all, we have researched into some […]

Post Office Strikes Causing Problems?


With major disruption within the Post Office seemingly a never-ending news story, it is understandable that disruption to postal services is a significant concern for businesses and individuals alike. Delivery Quote Compare aim to provide a stress free and reliable solution to your parcel delivery dilemmas. In order to help you choose the service that […]

Considering Buying Or Selling A Car


When it comes to buying or selling new or used cars many people used to advertise in local papers, go to a dealers or even advertise on supermarket notification boards. But times have changed dramatically since the internet came in to play and most people now use this as a selling or buying tool. There […]

Top Tips For Staying Awake Whilst Driving Long Distance


When anybody is considering, or having to drive long distance it is very common to become tired, especially night time driving after a long day. Other then pulling over in a safe area and having a nap, what other alternatives are there to stay awake whilst driving? Take a look at the following top tips […]

Breakfast Alternatives For Truck Drivers


How many times have you been told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? If the answer to this is plenty then the reason for this is that it’s true. By eating a healthy balanced breakfast it actually helps you to make healthier choices throughout the rest of the day. An ideal […]

Driver Medicals – The Facts


If you’re considering becoming a lorry driver then you will need to go through either a HGV medical or an LGV medical, which is the standard medical that’s required for most people that are looking to drive a lorry. Medicals aren’t just required for lorry drivers, they relate to anybody who has a group 2 […]

Why Delivery Quote Compare Is Perfect For All Things Gumtree


Since it’s inception in early 2000, Gumtree has grown from a London only classified site for accommodation and employment into the number 1 classified site in the UK with its reach extending into Europe and even further beyond. The type of adverts featured by Gumtree have also grown, offering anything from a broken Betamax player […]

Trucks To Rail Freight And Compilation CD’s


If you ask most people in the UK population to name a famous Truck haulage company the main answer that you will get will most notably be Eddie Stobart. But what most people don’t know is that since the start of Eddie Stobart, it’s now branched out from Truck haulage and is now known as […]

All You Need To Know On Pallet Delivery Services


Believe it or not, the humble pallet is a vital cog in the machine of goods distribution all over the world. It offers an inexpensive and reliable solution to many businesses – particularly those who operate on a ‘just-in-time’ principle. In the past, palletised freight has been seen as predominantly a B2B service. However, there […]