DQC – Rusty Rally The Viking Challenge Charity event

Delivery Quote Compare are going to Sweden and not as you’d expect.

On September 15th, in a joint team with our friends from Zoek we’ll be taking part in the Rusty Rally Viking Challenge in aid of The Outward Bound Trust.

RR Opening

This a “banger” challenge to drive a car valued at no more the £500 from the UK through Europe and after 1,000 miles finishing in Gothenburg on September 18th and raising over £10,000 for charity on the way.

The Team

It’s not a one-man job driving a clapped out car all that distance so the team is made up ofME

Dave East, Managing Director DQC, Dave has a history of events like this having taken part in similar challenges across Europe and even into India (if you drive there you can drive anywhere)

Doddyunique online smart portal to help job seekers find their next job , Matt drove an amphibious taxi down the Thames in 2014 so this is no challenge for him.



Trevor Farrington, owner of Trevor Farrington Classic Car restoration specialists. Trev is the guy that gives DQC lots of advice on how to work with our car transportation companies, he’s also useful to have around when the car breaks down (which it will) http://www.trevorfarrington.co.uk/

MatMatthew Sanders, CEO and many others. Matthew has spearheaded our charity events over several years not only taking part in events like this but creating and organising them too. Matt nominated the Outward Bound Trust as our preferred charity after seeing first-hand the great work they do with young people around the UK.



The Route

Simple really!


We drive down from our base in Knutsford Cheshire to meet the other teams at Folkestone. Then it’s a quick trip on the Chunnel and into France.

Next we’ll drive up through Belgium and the Netherlands, no doubt eating chocolate and cheese on the way.

After the Netherlands we move into Germany and the on to Denmark and finally toward our goal of Sweden for the 18th.

The Charity


The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that works with young people from all backgrounds using the outdoors to help motivate and inspire them whilst generating skills and independence to help them in life. They work with thousands of young people every year; the charity is chaired by the Duke of York. We could write endlessly about the great work they do but they put it better than we ever could visit their website:


Fund raising

The team have bought the car, got money for fuel and biscuits and are ready to go. The only thing we need is donations. If you’d like to sponsor us the please give generously at:

Remember to give your address details so they can collect the gift aid.

We’ll post our trip on Facebook and the blog, so look out for us online (or at the side of a road) in September.

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