Category Archives for Uncategorized

Re-tuning a Piano after moving


Moving a piano is a specialist task, its not the same as any other piece of furniture. With hundreds of moving parts and very specific tension between key and strings the require plenty of care and a loving touch. Tuning a piano is a specialist task and can make a huge difference to the resulting […]

Relocating for a new job


Relocating for a new job encounters some of the most stressful events rolled into one according to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale. It includes business readjustment, a change in responsibilities and moving and arranging mortagages. Here a few things to consider and hopefully reduce some of the stress. Do you need to move […]

Viewing a House


Friday is the most popular day for viewing a house. Before you go have a think about the following. Go and have a look Have a drive around, check out the local shops and most importantly the local pub, you can really get an insight into the types of neighbours you’ll have before even viewing […]

Reviews are important!


The online world is a minefield when trying to find reliable and real information, from fake news to false advertising it can be difficult to know who to trust. An interesting article from talks about companies asking their staff to leave positive reviews about their company and culture to enhance the companies profile. Zoek […]

Moving into Downing Street


July will see a new Prime Minister moving into Downing Street. As early as last October rumours of Terresa May leaving were already looming. At least the Tory leadership battle allows Mrs May some time to pack boxes and clean behind the radiators, whereas serving PM’s fighting an election might lose the vote and have […]

Congestion Charge London – Understanding the Costs


Everyone knows that you’re charged for driving in and around central London. Did you know though, that as of April 8th this year, there was major changes introduced? If you’re looking to find out more about these changes, you’ve come to the right place. In the following post we will discuss what the congestion charges […]

Motorway Food


Motorway Food. It can be hard for removals men and transporters to make sensible food choices on the road. Particularly as when you’ve got a tight schedule to keep to, it’s not like you can stop and have a nice plate of salad or something rich and filling like a bowl of pasta. Inevitably, therefore, […]

World Penguin Day


Some people love spiders, while others don’t. Some people are dog people, while others are cat people. There’s a lot of animals that cause divisions and disputes among people. One animal that we’re sure we can all agree upon as being too cute to hate is penguins. Right? Did you know that on April 25th […]

British National Tea Day

British National Tea Day: April 21st


British National Tea Day. When you move home, there’s one thing you need to make sure that you pack away so it’s ready to use when you arrive – the kettle, tea bags, some mugs, milk and sugar (if you take it). That’s right, as Brits we have a strong affinity to a nice cuppa. […]

BBQ sizzling sausages and burgers

BBQs: Gas Vs Charcoal


Ah, the good old British summertime barbeque. There’s nothing better, is there? than firing up the BBQ coals and cooking all that juicy meat (and let’s face it, burning it within an inch of its life) with a few beers. Good times. However, although we said charcoals, there’s other options out there. In fact, one […]