With a large proportion of Britain’s supply chain made up of small to medium size enterprises (SMEs), Brake, the road safety charity, is encouraging any organisation working with small businesses to help spread the road safety message, and has the backing of the Department for Transport. Brake wants to achieve this through a series of […]
Category Archives for Freight Forwarding

Out-of-hours deliveries to roll out across London in the new year.
The London Freight Forum has released details of the latest developments regarding trial schemes for out of hours collections and deliveries in London as part of a wider transport strategy in and around the nation’s capital. The Forum meets biannually and brings representatives from the Freight Transport Association (FTA), Road Haulage Association (RHA), and other […]

How will HS2 impact the freight industry in the UK?
With the talk and debate on HS2 project still as lively as ever, little has been said on the impact it will have on the freight industry and UK freight operators. Following the recent commission of a report of the economic benefits of HS2, several industry players have united to throw their weight behind the […]

China produce world’s heaviest freight train.
CNR Qigiahr Railway Rolling Stock Co,. Ltd, a prominent Chinese rolling stock Manufacturer produced the gargantuan vehicle just last month. The train is said to have a maximum loading capacity of nearly 155 tonnes per wagon. This translates to a total carrying capacity of somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 tonnes, with the maximum axle load […]

Road freight industry encouraged to get benefit of trailer trial
This week, the Government released a statement encouraging those in the road freight industry to reap the benefits of trailer trial. The trial, which gives operators the opportunity to use longer goods vehicles on UK roads, will be opened up on a first come first serve basis. The trial was initially launched in 2012, and […]
How are truck drivers viewed by the public?
A bit of Friday Fun. Truck drivers have had to put up with many stereotypes over the years, how many of those in the classic comedy video above are actually true? Even roadside cafes have to pass health and safety tests these days!

Trucks To Rail Freight And Compilation CD’s
If you ask most people in the UK population to name a famous Truck haulage company the main answer that you will get will most notably be Eddie Stobart. But what most people don’t know is that since the start of Eddie Stobart, it’s now branched out from Truck haulage and is now known as […]

Moving Abroad – But Do You Know The Facts On Freight Forwarding
With economic conditions still fairly bleak, it is perhaps unsurprising that more and more people are leaving the UK to seek pastures new. Young workers are now joining the legions of retired expats abroad, and with that come an increase in demand for shipping their worldly possessions to all ends of the planet. A move […]

Highway Code – The Facts
With UK driving theory and practical tests becoming increasingly difficult to pass, a starter point for any body looking to take the initial theory test is a lot of hours study on the highway code. As with any tests taken, as long as you put plenty of hours revision in then you should be able […]

The Many Uses of a Shipping Container
Shipping containers are used everywhere, for shipment purposes, however, many people don’t know the very diverse way in which they can be used. The following will show the weird and wonderful ways that shipment containers can be used and recycled. Shipping Container Homes Many different shipping containers can be used as homes for many people. […]