As an owner of a classic car, or soon to be owner, working out how to move your vehicles safely, securely and cost-effectively might seem like a big headache, but by following a few si§mple tips your vintage car will be in its new home in the next to no time.

If you’ve gone to the time, trouble and expense of purchasing the perfect classic car now is not the time to start trying to save some pennies. Transporting a classic car can differ in several ways from transporting a modern vehicle, and those differences, not to mention the additional care and respect demanded for a classic car, can cost a little extra.
Ask a lot of questions. Ideally you want transportation that involves no metal to metal contact during loading/off loading and transportation in order to ensure no scratching, denting or other damage is caused. Some specialist companies offer custom made winches, specifically designed for use on classic cars.

Most specialist companies will offer exclusive delivery options, meaning your vehicle will be the only one transported on whatever platform the transporters are using. Often this will be a trailer being towed to your delivery destination, especially if your classic car is unsuitable for road use. It’s worth checking that the transporter meets the legal requirements for not just vehicle delivery but also road transporters, to ensure that your classic car isn’t seized en route because of a violation.
Alternatively, your classic car can be transported on a car transporter. You’ll have seen these two storey car carriers on the roads. As they’re capable of delivering several vehicles on the same journey, costs are often cheaper, but without the specialist knowledge of transporting classic cars your vehicle could be scratched during loading/unloading.

It’s also important to clearly define the size and weight of your classic car, as the dimensions will differ from modern vehicles, making them unsuitable for some companies to attempt to transport. Overloading could be an issue, given the potential weight of your classic car, or it may not fit on the trailer/transporter you’ve paid to collect.
Finally, insurance. Be clear that the company you’re planning to hire can actually cover the cost of your classic car. While it’s unlikely anything will happen to your vehicle, not having the correct insurance coverage is almost certain to guarantee there will be an issue, with no way for you to claim the full compensation you deserve.