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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Fiesta

Job ref: 614054 Date listed: 16-01-2018
Bids: 7 (0 active) Lowest bid: £297.00


Collect from:

Radstock Avon BA3 2BZ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Stockton-on-Tees Cleveland TS21 3EL United Kingdom


Approx. 289 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Fiesta
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
wedriveyourvehicleusingtradeplates (558) £297.00 16-01-2018 Declined
relyonme8 (621) £298.00 16-01-2018 Declined
wedriveyourvehicleusingtradeplates (558) £299.00 16-01-2018 Replaced
samsylin (25) £300.00 16-01-2018 Withdrawn
samsylin (25) £300.00 16-01-2018 Accepted
wedriveyourvehicleusingtradeplates (558) £345.00 16-01-2018 Replaced
samsylin (25) £350.00 16-01-2018 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: I can pick the car tomorrow evening and drop it on Thursday morning, if okay, pls let me know soonest.. - samsylin (16-01-2018)
Response: And what would be your final price. Thanks
Question: £270, which is a very fair deal with the distance. - samsylin (16-01-2018)
Response: Okey can I go ahead with that, how would you be able to drive it back yourself ?
Question: Yes go ahead and book, i have decided to tow it so that i can drive back on my truck. - samsylin (16-01-2018)
Response: Ok thanks
All booked, can I have a contact number so I can have a quick chat with you about about something regarding the job