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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Audi A3

Job ref: 520968 Date listed: 15-05-2017
Bids: 23 (0 active) Lowest bid: £160.00


Collect from:

Derby Derbyshire DE United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Bristol Avon BS United Kingdom


Approx. 135 miles



Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Audi
Model: A3
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ben2019 (66) £160.00 17-05-2017 Accepted
ben2019 (66) £179.00 17-05-2017 Replaced
georgemartin (3) £180.00 17-05-2017 Declined
ben2019 (66) £189.00 17-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £199.00 16-05-2017 Lapsed
georgemartin (3) £200.00 16-05-2017 Lapsed
ben2019 (66) £214.00 16-05-2017 Replaced
georgemartin (3) £215.00 16-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £219.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £220.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
transmove-uk (51) £220.00 15-05-2017 Lapsed
merc2016 (86) £225.00 15-05-2017 Lapsed
merc2016 (86) £226.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £227.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £230.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
merc2016 (86) £237.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £238.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
ben2019 (66) £240.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
merc2016 (86) £248.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
relyonme8 (621) £249.00 15-05-2017 Lapsed
relyonme8 (621) £249.00 17-05-2017 Declined
merc2016 (86) £250.00 15-05-2017 Replaced
robertodiver (362) £289.00 15-05-2017 Lapsed
Show closed bids


Question: Hi there, have you got a date in mind for this job? Happy to help and match prices for a good deal. Please see my excellent feedback and let me know if you have any questions.
Many thanks
JD - transmove-uk (15-05-2017)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi I can do it saturday - mszpak69 (16-05-2017)
Response: No response yet