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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Land Rover Defender 90 pickup 90 pickup

Job ref: 234287 Date listed: 24-09-2014
Bids: 4 (0 active) Lowest bid: £299.00


Collect from:

Wirral Merseyside CH60 9JE United Kingdom

Deliver to:

South Ashford, Ashford Kent TN23 7TB United Kingdom


Approx. 285 miles



Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Make: Land Rover Defender 90 pickup
Model: 90 pickup
Additional information
Service type: Please select preferred transport method
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
relyonme8 (622) £299.00 25-09-2014 Accepted
relyonme8 (622) £325.00 24-09-2014 Replaced
prompt (31) £330.00 24-09-2014 Declined
relyonme8 (622) £335.00 24-09-2014 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi Yannick , don't worry u will only pay £299 to me no matter what cos that's. what we agreed, plus the the Deposit. to site, I'll make its correct cos I know the guy who runs this site. Richard - relyonme8 (25-09-2014)
Response: Hi. Quote accepted. Shall I ignore the deposit?

Question: CLICK ON EXCEPT. Bid. NOW OK iv changed to £299 u see
U pay DEPOSIT. Out of the 299 Understand. ? Richard - relyonme8 (25-09-2014)
Response: Done.
Question: Ring you tomorrow !!!!
Richard - relyonme8 (25-09-2014)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi Yannick, had a manic day promise to call us in the morning. !!!!
Richard. - relyonme8 (26-09-2014)
Response: No response yet