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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Renault Clio

Job ref: 230653 Date listed: 11-09-2014
Bids: 8 (0 active) Lowest bid: £197.00


Collect from:

Sandwich Kent CT13 9NW United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Birmingham West Midlands B14 6QF United Kingdom


Approx. 203 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Make: Renault
Model: Clio
Additional information
Service type: Please select preferred transport method
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
trans-port (18) £197.00 11-09-2014 Accepted
relyonme8 (623) £198.00 11-09-2014 Withdrawn
trans-port (18) £200.00 11-09-2014 Replaced
amazing187 (43) £207.00 11-09-2014 Declined
amazing187 (43) £220.00 11-09-2014 Replaced
prompt (31) £225.00 11-09-2014 Declined
sean353 (76) £230.00 11-09-2014 Declined
relyonme8 (623) £239.00 11-09-2014 Withdrawn
Show closed bids


Question: When do you want this transporting? Thanks. - amazing187 (11-09-2014)
Response: No response yet
Question: Just had a cancelation so I should be able to deliver tomorrow as well - trans-port (11-09-2014)
Response: Can you 100percent collect and deliver tomorrow?
Question: Hi, yes I can for sure. Is the vehicle from the salvage auction ? - trans-port (11-09-2014)
Response: Copart yes mate do you know the sandwich depo
Question: Yes I do. - trans-port (11-09-2014)
Response: You may have to pay a £18 storage charge cuss was ment to be picked up today are you able to sort that out and I'll give it you back
Question: Yes I can sort out that outstanding £18 for you and we can sort it out at delivery. - trans-port (11-09-2014)
Response: Yeah sound I'll accept your bid then my number is 07451319584 Adam
I sent you a message but it says awaiting review by administrator shell I accept your offer? Havnt used this site before so don't know how it works