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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Fiat Stilo

Job ref: 226704 Date listed: 28-08-2014
Bids: 2 (0 active) Lowest bid: £160.00


Collect from:

Rochford Essex SS4 1NB United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Pear Tree, Derby Derbyshire DE23 8NP United Kingdom


Approx. 161 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Make: Fiat
Model: Stilo
Additional information
Service type: Please select preferred transport method
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
trans-port (18) £160.00 28-08-2014 Accepted
relyonme8 (622) £199.00 28-08-2014 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, I am available for this journey if you are still looking for vehicle transport. Fully comp trade insurance £10000.
The vehicle will be transported on a fully equipped 3.5t beavertail truck so non runners can be winched. I also work weekends so Saturday's and Sunday's are no problem.
Best regards. - trans-port (28-08-2014)
Response: yes mate, I am still in need of a vehicle transport. I am looking on getting the car transported sometime next week, probably on Thursday or Friday if that's okay with you because I would like to accept your bid at 160.
Question: Hi, if you like I can book you in Thursday. Collection and delivery on same day. Best regards - trans-port (29-08-2014)
Response: Alright...i'm okay with that mate, i will just need to confirm with the company i bought the car from that i have sorted an transportation. I'm going to accept your bid now then mate.
Question: Ok Thank you - trans-port (29-08-2014)
Response: No response yet
Question: ok Thank you - trans-port (29-08-2014)
Response: No response yet