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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Smart Forfour

Job ref: 1035918 Date listed: 06-05-2021
Bids: 12 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Hayes Greater London UB United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Aviemore Highland Council PH22 United Kingdom


Approx. 527 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Smart
Model: Forfour
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
relyonme8 (623) £488.00 08-05-2021 Expired
transport-to-you (152) £496.00 08-05-2021 Expired
transport-to-you (152) £509.00 07-05-2021 Replaced
relyonme8 (623) £510.00 07-05-2021 Replaced
transport-to-you (152) £531.00 07-05-2021 Replaced
relyonme8 (623) £537.00 07-05-2021 Replaced
brytan83 (251) £554.00 07-05-2021 Withdrawn
transport-to-you (152) £554.00 07-05-2021 Replaced
transport-to-you (152) £565.00 06-05-2021 Replaced
bren123 (194) £566.00 06-05-2021 Withdrawn
transport-to-you (152) £613.00 06-05-2021 Replaced
bren123 (194) £644.00 06-05-2021 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi can this be collected tomorrow and delivered Saturday morning. Thanks - bren123 (06-05-2021)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, any chance this can be driven
Richard - relyonme8 (07-05-2021)
Response: Hi Richard,

The car is drivable but I'm not sure how that works with insurance, fuel etc so that is why I said to be delivered on a carrier. If you know how driving it works I'm not opposed to the idea!

Kind regards
Question: Hi Sarah, our insurance covers all the car
as for fuel that's inclusive within the price
as long a it's Taxed & Mot'd we are good to go
Ps, any questions just fire away!! - relyonme8 (07-05-2021)
Response: Oh wow ok. What was your price please?
Question: Sarah, just seen your message been a busy day
Just quoted you now
Richard - relyonme8 (07-05-2021)
Response: No response yet
Question: Morning Sarah, the quote I've entered this morning
I think will be more agreeable to you
Kindest regards,
Richard - relyonme8 (08-05-2021)
Response: No response yet