The best way to pack furniture


Moving can be stressful on a good day, but when you’re trying to pack furniture & move furniture, it can be even more stressful. You want to make sure that your belongings arrive in the same condition as when you packed them up. This means using proper moving methods and packing materials that will protect your furniture from damage during transit. Here are some tips for keeping your best pieces safe during a move:

Use a moving blanket to protect your furniture.

Moving blankets are a good idea for protecting furniture. They’re inexpensive, easy to use, and easy to store. Moving blankets can also be used for other purposes. As an added bonus, they’re reusable!

Use stretch wrap around your furniture to prevent damage.

The best way to protect your furniture is by using stretch wrap around it. Stretch wrap is an elastic material, which allows it to stretch and contract when necessary. This makes it perfect for securing furniture during transport; it’ll stretch if there’s a bump in the road, but still contract tightly enough to keep everything in place.

Don’t forget the bubble wrap!

Bubble wrap is the best way to protect any kind of furniture. It’s cheap, it’s reusable, and it can be used over and over again.

Here’s how to use bubble wrap:

  • The first thing you’ll need is a lot of bubble wrap. The more you have, the better protected your furniture will be.
  • Next, you’ll want to put the bubble wrap around your furniture in a zig-zag pattern so that it fits perfectly on top of everything else inside your moving truck or storage facility. This will help prevent damage from occurring during transport or storage by keeping everything snugly in place against each other instead of sliding around with no support underneath them like they would if we didn’t use this trick!
  • Then seal all open edges with duct tape so that none escape into adjacent rooms while moving day rolls around (you wouldn’t want those little guys escaping after working so hard all day!). That way when you move into another apartment next year there won’t be any leftover messes getting between us 🙂

Use binder clips to keep drawers shut, and a piece of stretch wrap between drawers.

  • Binder clips are not just for holding papers together. They’re also great at keeping drawers shut, which can be a big help when you’re trying to keep things secure during transit.
  • If you want to ensure that drawers don’t open during your move, but don’t want to use any adhesives on the furniture itself, consider using some stretch wrap between them instead. This will prevent them from rubbing against each other and allow you to close all your moving boxes without worrying about any surprises being inside of them when they arrive at their destination.

Make sure you have at least one other person with you for the move.

You may be tempted to try moving your furniture solo, but we strongly recommend you bring at least one other person with you. There are a number of benefits to doing this:

  • It will be easier to move the furniture. With two people instead of just one, it’ll be much easier to transport large items by hand or in a van or truck. This means that it’s more likely they’ll arrive safely at their new home—and not get damaged during transit!
  • You can get more done faster. Moving alone can take longer than moving with a partner; having another pair of hands (or four) makes everything go much quicker and smoother! Plus, there’s less chance that both people will want to stop for food breaks at different times during the day—which means more progress toward getting all your belongings moved into their new space!

If the furniture is fitted.

If the furniture is fitted, remove it for the move. Make sure you have all of the parts that came with your furniture and check to make sure nothing is missing or damaged. This will make sure that it arrives in one piece at its new home!

If the furniture is not fitted (for example, if there are drawers), then you can pack it in the box. Remove all drawers from their homes and wrap them separately before packing them into a protective box (or two).

Remove legs: If your couch has legs on it as well, take them off before making any cuts on your cardboard. Wrap each leg separately so they don’t get damaged during transport!

You can protect your furniture from damage during a move by using some simple techniques when packing them.

You can protect your pack furniture from damage during a move by using some simple techniques when packing them.

Use a moving blanket to protect it, or wrap it in stretch wrap to prevent damage.

Make sure drawers are closed with binder clips and keep them shut with a piece of stretch wrap between the drawers.


We hope this guide has helped you to pack your furniture and move it safely. Remember that it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so don’t take these tips lightly and always make sure you’re using the right equipment for the job. Be sure to use a moving blanket if any parts of your furniture are fragile or breakable!

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