Moving Dangerous Goods

Every country around the world has a dangerous goods list, detailing items that are too volatile to allow free transit through parcel delivery services or couriers. Items on the list change from country to country, but the core usually remains the same. If you’re wanting to send items that could be hazardous or potentially dangerous, either internationally or domestically, then you’ll need to get some professional advice.

Firstly, check with your service provider that the item(s) you’re planning to send is actually on the dangerous goods list. Some things are obvious, like firearms, explosives or volatile substances, others aren’t so evident and include things like aerosols, Christmas cracker snaps, matches and even toy guns; in fact many seemingly innocuous items could be banned so if you’re in any doubt then always double check.

Using Delivery Quote Compare to help get a reduced price is beneficial in more ways than one, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous goods. By inputting a full description and clear picture of the item you want to send, companies can advise you on whether it’s possible to transport it to its destination should it be on any dangerous goods lists.

For companies transporting items on the dangerous goods list, those items must be packaged and labelled appropriately. Moving limited amounts mean that the rules involved aren’t quite so strict, although any company wanting to move waste from a hospital or veterinary clinic needs to be registered as a waste carrier first.

The packaging used on dangerous goods needs to be sourced from an authorised supplier, a list can be found on the Vehicle Certification Agency’s (VCA) website, just make sure you ask for a copy of the safety certificate, test reports on the packaging you require and instructions on how to use said packaging properly when you order.

Any company that regularly transports dangerous goods must have a dangerous goods safety advisor, fully trained on an approved course. However, any company who only transports dangerous goods occasionally, is receiving the dangerous goods, moving them short distances, in limited quantities, or in private vehicles is exempt from needing a DGSA. If you’re transporting dangerous goods internationally then you will need to either hire a trained DGSA or train a member of staff accordingly, international export of dangerous goods requires a DGSA by law regardless.

Different methods of transportation have different transit requirements, full details can be found on the Government’s website and penalties are involved for failing to comply. Staff must all have received safety training regardless of the quantities of dangerous goods the company transports, safety is paramount, especially when involving items that could wound, kill or maim.

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