Category Archives for In The News

Working at Christmas


The run up to Christmas is the busiest time of the year for our transporters, everything needs delivering in time for the festivities and the whole country is shopping.   Hopefully by Christmas eve with the last items dropped of the couriers and delivery people can put their feet up and have a well-earned mulled […]

Happy Monkey Day


Although Christmas is literally around the corner not many people know that December the 14th is International Monkey day, happy Monkey day……. This isn’t really the way we’d recommend getting your motorbike moved, for cheap quotes on motorcycle moves and deliveries visit our home page to list free quotes.

Christmas Down Under


  I’m not feeling at all Christmassy, I’ve been based in Australia for the past few months launching our Delivery Quote Compare Australian website. So I sat down outside a bar in 38 degree heat looking at the Christmas tree in St Kilda, Melbourne while the bar speakers blasted white Christmas just didn’t ignite the […]

Christmas Deliveries – Last postage dates for Christmas


Christmas Deliveries – Last postage dates for Christmas. Having recently expanded our operation into Australia we’ve been looking at sending presents and packages between our offices. As it turns out we’re pretty much to late to send most things now. To make sure you get your gifts sent to your nearest (possibly not nearest or […]

Racing Deliveries……..


Our transporters can be fast but not as fast as our CEO Matthew Sanders racing at MagnyCours To be honest we wouldn’t want our transporters delivering your items at this speed, we’d prefer them in one piece, to get quotes from trusted rated transporters visit our home page to save upto 75% on the […]

Drone Delivery in Australia – revisited


  The press is full on news about drone delivery and how it will revolutionise shopping, it will speed up the process, reduce traffic and pollution. But how close are we? In 2013 we posted an article on Flirtey, a US company that launched a drone book delivery service in Sydney. Flirtey chose Australia as […]

Bonfire Night, transporting fireworks safely


One of the most spectacular nights of the year is Guy Fawkes Night, with the rockets and sparklers and Catherine-wheels going off. However while these fireworks are great to see they are also explosive. Because of this if you need to move them, you will have to take a lot of precautions. Here are the […]

small lost parcel

What can you do if your delivery is lost?


Here at we work with businesses based around delivering your stuff. The top companies in the UK ship items around the world on a daily basis. With such scale some items may be lost in transit, if rarely. Here are ways to help lower the chance of this happening to you, and what can […]

Fuel prices, set to come down?


The current trend in fuel prices has been, unfortunately, rising with no end in sight. However, the AA thinks that it’s about to; finally, go down as the Supermarkets set up for a price war. It’s been going up for 11 straight weeks, for a litre of petrol you can expect to pay £1.31 or […]

The Northern Gateway, opening opportunities.


Manchester town hall announced the Northern Gateway expansion this year and since then more details have been coming out. It’s an ambitious project spanning Rochdale Road from the east to the north of the city. 15,000 homes are planned to be built, along with schools, shops, clinics and offices over the course of twenty years. […]