80mph Motorway Speed Limit Trials Set To Take Place In 2014

imagesStephen Hammond, the road safety minister has confirmed that a proposal to introduce a trial 80mph motorway speed limit isn’t dead in the water yet. He advised that the proposed plans, set to take place in 2014 are still very much firmly on the Government’s agenda. In 2014 the proposal is that three trials of the higher speeds will take place in different areas around the UK, and if these prove to be successful then there’s the possibility that these could then be introduced broadly across the UK in the future.

Mr Hammond has said that “We are considering how we could trial this rather then go to a consultation. It’s important that we are able to have a trial that provides us with solid evidence that shows that this, will in fact become a benefit to the UK based Motorways”. He then went on to advise that an announcement will take place in Autumn, which will act as confirmation as to whether an increase will take place, with trials set for 2014.

This has all stemmed from a lot of the driving population within the UK saying that they find motorways to be the safest of all roads, and that cars become safer at speed. In response to this Mr Hammond has also gone on to say “Drivers will have noticed that some significant changes on our roads have already taken place, and that raising the limit could provide hundreds of millions of pounds for the economy, generated by lowering journey times”.

With this in mind, and if the proposal goes ahead to raise the speed limit to 80mph, then this can only be a good thing for Delivery Quote Compare. With Delivery Quote Compare dealing within Courier Services, Parcel Delivery, Man and Van and Haulage Companies to name but a few, the proposed plans will be of benefit to all the delivery providers that are a part of the ever popular site. As Mr Hammond has already said, by raising the speed limit on motorways this will lower the journey times, and by lowering the journey times it could work in the favour of all of the customers who use the site by reducing costs and possibly giving them bigger discounts, which is always a good thing.

Only time will tell if the proposal will come in to effect on UK motorways, but here’s hoping that by the time Autumn comes around that the decision to trial the plans won’t fall flat, but lead in a positive direction.

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