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Listing summary


Job ref: 611165 Date listed: 08-01-2018
Bids: 6 (0 active) Lowest bid: £47.00


Collect from:

Basingstoke Hampshire RG23 8HX United Kingdom

Deliver to:

St. Johns Wood, London London NW8 8PJ United Kingdom


Approx. 59 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 0.70 x 0.70 x 0.70 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
professional-deliveries (1376) £47.00 10-01-2018 Declined
professional-deliveries (1376) £48.00 08-01-2018 Replaced
deliveryteam (1771) £63.00 08-01-2018 Declined
arrows (465) £63.00 08-01-2018 Declined
tesla_couriers (1430) £70.00 08-01-2018 Accepted
fastmoves (29) £110.00 08-01-2018 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, when do you want the collection/delivery? Thanks Mike - tesla_couriers (08-01-2018)
Response: We will fit in with when a truck is going there. We can flip the back off of the chair to make delivery easier. What is your quotation?
Question: We can do your job for 70 all in. If it suits you, go ahead and accept us. Our manager will liaise with both ends a day before to confirm the 3 hours window.
Mike - tesla_couriers (17-01-2018)
Response: Sorry. What does "All in" mean?
This is an electric armchair where one can flip the back off to make delivery easy. I can do that.
Would I pack the chair or do you? Can do and advise back.

Are you covered by insurance for damage, loss etc?
Question: Hello, 70 all in, means the deposit is included. We do not offer packing service, but please do not worry, the item will be handled with care. We have blankets to cover the items during the transportation and it is in our interest for items to arrive the same condition as they were collected. And we have insurance as well. If everything is fine, go ahead and accept us. Our manager will liaise with both ends a day before to confirm the 3 hours window.
- tesla_couriers (17-01-2018)
Response: I think I'll pack it a little anyway. The back flips off and can rest on top which makes it easier getting through doors etc. I will book it. Tell me how much the deposit is and how I pay. I am getting full address, tel no. from my wife and will get it to you but will label the chair up anyway with these details.

Question: When you click on accept button, from this amount 70 - 14,28 - is the deposit to site and has to be paid straight away. The remaining balance of 55,72 - can be paid by check on collection or delivery or Paypal. Per policy of DQC site - we can share and receive your contact details after the quote is accepted. Let me know if you have any other inquiries.
- tesla_couriers (18-01-2018)
Response: Hi Mike. I have booked the job and paid the deposit on Paypal. The delivery quote compare site asked for my name and phone number then it said save which I did but then left that page so I didn't get a chance to put down our address nor the delivery address.

I will try to sort it but for the time being I am covering the chair with bubblewrap as it is a cream colour.
Sorted now Mike. My wife just told me that it needs to be delivered in office hours. It's sheltered housing.
Question: Thank you for accepting us! Our manager will contact both sides a day before collection and delivery to confirm 3 hours window time slot of arrival. Thank you, Mike - tesla_couriers (18-01-2018)
Response: No response yet