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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Fiesta

Job ref: 870401 Date listed: 02-02-2020
Bids: 14 (0 active) Lowest bid: £407.00


Collect from:

Glasgow Glasgow City G32 United Kingdom

Deliver to:

London Greater London E United Kingdom


Approx. 395 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Fiesta
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
brytan83 (250) £374.00 02-02-2020 Withdrawn
brytan83 (250) £397.00 03-02-2020 Withdrawn
brytan83 (250) £398.00 03-02-2020 Replaced
tomauto (542) £398.00 03-02-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £409.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
palsal1 (241) £410.00 02-02-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £421.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
5starservice (47) £422.00 02-02-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £428.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
col1971 (48) £429.00 02-02-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £432.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
transporter8t (234) £433.00 02-02-2020 Expired
transporter8t (234) £470.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
tomauto (542) £475.00 02-02-2020 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi. Good morning. Please advise when you would like your Fiesta to be collected and delivered ? We have availability for you this week. Many thanks Tom - tomauto (02-02-2020)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi we can collect and deliver this week if that works please let us know thanks colin - col1971 (02-02-2020)
Response: No response yet
Question: Im can take 05.02.2020 but need accept today - brytan83 (04-02-2020)
Response: No response yet