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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Peugeot Rcz

Job ref: 867751 Date listed: 24-01-2020
Bids: 19 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Windsor Windsor and Maidenhead SL4 3DT United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Durham County Durham DH6 4LZ United Kingdom


Approx. 271 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Coupe
Make: Peugeot
Model: Rcz
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
gavgcool (1) £281.00 29-01-2020 Expired
cartransporter77 (24) £282.00 26-01-2020 Expired
brytan83 (250) £282.00 29-01-2020 Withdrawn
gavgcool (1) £287.00 29-01-2020 Replaced
brytan83 (250) £288.00 29-01-2020 Replaced
gavgcool (1) £294.00 27-01-2020 Replaced
mszpak69 (116) £300.00 26-01-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £305.00 26-01-2020 Expired
tomauto (542) £312.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
brytan83 (250) £313.00 25-01-2020 Withdrawn
tomauto (542) £318.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
brytan83 (250) £319.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
tomauto (542) £324.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
brytan83 (250) £325.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
tomauto (542) £331.00 25-01-2020 Replaced
traileredvehicletransfer (556) £337.00 24-01-2020 Withdrawn
quickbargainsdelivery (101) £361.00 24-01-2020 Expired
lee1982 (108) £368.00 24-01-2020 Withdrawn
quickbargainsdelivery (101) £374.00 24-01-2020 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi. Please advise when you would like your RCZ to be collected and delivered ? We can collect on Tuesday for you. Many thanks Martyn - tomauto (25-01-2020)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi.

Can this.be done monday 27th?

Kind regards - cartransporter77 (26-01-2020)
Response: No response yet