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Listing summary

1 x Motorcycle: Honda GL1500

Job ref: 828561 Date listed: 12-09-2019
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £151.00


Collect from:

Liverpool Merseyside L33 5YH United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Oswestry Shropshire SY11 3NR United Kingdom


Approx. 55 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Make: Honda
Model: GL1500
Operational: Yes
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
hdbuell (22) £151.00 12-09-2019 Withdrawn
hdbuell (22) £151.00 12-09-2019 Accepted
carandbiketransport (155) £164.00 12-09-2019 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hello, please contact us first to arrange dates and availability prior to accepting our quote, same day delivery, Please note we are bike only transporters , could you please post a photo as there is different variations on Goldwings, Regards Susanne - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: Hi,
I believe you have been contacted with regards to a gold wing being picked up form Liverpool and delivered to Oswestry Shropshire.
I arranged for it to be picked up, but the courier arrived at the bike location totally ill equipped to load the Gold wing. I was told by quote compare that they would sort things, and your name was broached...Are you up too speed with whats happening please..Allan
Question: Hello Allan, yes I have been told by James and aware what has happened, we have done many Goldwings and are equipped as we use a low load trailer and as I will be on my own will need a hand, we will be able to do this next week, Regards Terry - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: Hi,

This is turning into a shambles....I had a quote from the guy who was supposed to pick it up today. I paid a deposit.
I drove over 100 miles there and back this morning to pay the seller for the bike, and the courier said he would be there for 1pm. When he got there he couldn't load it. I'm quite happy for you to do it but wouldn't be happy paying 2 deposits, unless James gives me a refund for the last one I spoke to James on several occasions today. and he said to leave it with him. So i don't know what action he's taking. The guy who's selling the bike has lung cancer, and i am around 55 miles away from there and suffer back problems. When next week would you be able to do the job ? Regards Allan
Question: Hi James, ok I understand, call James in the morning and he will arrange that for you, I spoke to him earlier and fully aware about the trouble you had, he will sort it for you, we get on well and he will sort your refund from before, if you book now it will secure a slot for the coming week, it will ether be Wed or Thurs and will know at the beginning of the week as we get all the bikes coming in from Frid over the weekend, so will let you know which day next week, Regards Terry - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: Ive just checked with the seller, and he's happy to keep it there until next week....Wednesday would be great if you can slot me in.....Let me know and i will complete the booking...Regards Allan
Question: Hi James we just refreshed the bid and we are still ok for next week as in the previous message, Regards Terry - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hello Allan yes will slot you in I see you would prefer Wed but let me see how many jobs come in between now and Monday as Wed/ Thurs is our days for that area, we will confirm at the beginning of the week for you, please call James in the morning to arrange the refund for the previous attempt, Regards Terry - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: Thanks Terry.
I feel a lot happier that your doing the job....
This other fella certainly wasn't up to the job, the seller told me, had they not intervened and stopped him. He would have caused a great deal of damage to the bike. He was trying to use a cheap Halfords dirt bike ramp, which actually collapsed
Sorry, about that it sent its self....Yes he was a cowboy thats for sure. haha...Keep me up to speed please, yes i will contact James in the morning.
Kind regards Allan
Question: Hello Allan, some just do not have a clue, we have solid ramps on the trailer which will take the weight of a car and also have a folding ramp which we have a support underneath for the weight, we just done one last week a GL1800 which was a fairly new one and securing them is an art itself, I sent a photo of that one to James ask him for that and he should forward that on to you, Regards Terry - hdbuell (12-09-2019)
Response: Hi Terry,
No i don't understand it either.
I think he was Polish or from that neck of the woods, as when he phoned i had difficulty understanding him.
But prior to booking him, he messaged me telling me how all singing all dancing his motor cycle business was.
Anyway water under the bridge, chalk it up to experience. Im glad i have now got a professional.
Regards Allan
Question: Hi Allan yes there is much of that in this industry, anyway I have the job sheet from the site will need to know what house number on Retford road and you have your location as West Place is there a house number and is access ok? I will send a photo to your email of the one we did last week, Regards Terry - hdbuell (13-09-2019)
Response: Hi Terry,
Just had James on phone with refund of 1st deposit.
Right.....The house number is 3 Retford road, but your satnav will take you to the street next to his...When you get there if you ring him 07467947246 he will direct you. Its actually the next street turning along. My house number is 27 West Place and i have a wide drive way with plenty of access....My home number is 01691238176...I have a bad mobile signal here so house phone better...Anything else you need to know, just ask.
Regards Allan
Question: Hello Allan yes thank for that, will you be there at collection as I will be alone just for loading or will the seller be able to help? ,I have sent you a photo of the Goldwing we done just last week, we have booked you in for Wed/Thurs next week and will call you prior to finalise, Regards Terry - hdbuell (13-09-2019)
Response: No response yet