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Listing summary

wooden sailing fishing boat

Job ref: 692867 Date listed: 28-07-2018
Bids: 1 (0 active) Lowest bid: £640.00


Collect from:

Skipton North Yorkshire BD23 6BY United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Portree IV51 9UE United Kingdom


Approx. 449 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Boat type: no keel
Dimensions: 5.18 x 1.83 x 1.22 m
Is it on a trailer? No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
patch_evans (477) £640.00 06-08-2018 Accepted


Question: I live in Skipton so can easily transport, will just need to check measurements for flat bed trailer?

Regards - patch_evans (28-07-2018)
Response: Hello

What measurements do you want.?

I see you are local which would be good.

What would it cost? You will have seen that it is on a trailer and it would be good to have a quote for the boat only on your flat bed or for you to get it there on the trailer leaving the trailer there.

For some reason I should not give contact details before a quote is given. Please come up with something which we could adjust either way once you have seen it yourself so we can move on.

Regards David
Question: My trailer is 5m long by 2.1 m wide, would your trailer sit on my trailer as mine is a tri axle and pulls a lot better than boat trailers, my price would be £640 - patch_evans (30-07-2018)
Response: Hello

No it would not fit on as wide axled so it would have to be boat only which is only six foot wide.

I could get help together to transfer it from trailer to your flat bed.


The trailer is very substantial and two axled originally having been an ex army vehicle mover and it tows like a train! If that makes a difference

Question: Is the boat fairly flat bottomed so it will sit ok on my flat bed? - patch_evans (30-07-2018)
Response: No response yet
Question: What are the dimensions of the trailer please? - patch_evans (30-07-2018)
Response: The trailer is substantial and was originally a military vehicle trailer like a very strong low car trailer with 2 axles and full sized land rover type wheels. The wheels stick out from the bed of the trailer. Overall including the wheels it measures 17 feet long including tow bar and 7'2" wide including wheels.

I suspect it is too wide for your flat bed and if so please quote for boat only. It is not flat bottomed but it is easy to strap upright together with 2 inflatable "cushions" to give extra support on either side which you can have.

I hope that helps.


I can get help to transfer boat to your trailer

Question: Ok thanks for the information, price to transfer boat to my trailer and deliver boat only will be £640,

Cheers - patch_evans (30-07-2018)
Response: Hello

I am just waiting for confirmation that Isle of Skye museum want the boat,

Will confirm as soon as I know