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Listing summary

1 x Motorcycle: BSA C11

Job ref: 641337 Date listed: 27-03-2018
Bids: 21 (0 active) Lowest bid: £84.00


Collect from:

Croydon Greater London CR United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Christchurch Dorset BH23 4DP United Kingdom


Approx. 105 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Make: BSA
Model: C11
Operational: Yes
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
bike-movers (6) £84.00 27-03-2018 Accepted
rc_rick (167) £87.00 27-03-2018 Declined
geoffguzzi (104) £88.00 27-03-2018 Declined
rc_rick (167) £99.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £108.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £115.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £117.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £120.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £123.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £125.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £127.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £128.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £132.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £133.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £137.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £138.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
rc_rick (167) £140.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
geoffguzzi (104) £144.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
i-move-motorcycles (209) £150.00 27-03-2018 Declined
geoffguzzi (104) £155.00 27-03-2018 Replaced
carandbiketransport (155) £200.00 27-03-2018 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi
When would you be looking to have this done ?
I am a specialist motorcycle transporter.
Geoff - geoffguzzi (27-03-2018)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, I’ve just delivered a 1954 C11G.
Have you a preferred date you would like this doing?
I only transport motorcycles, I’m not a normal courier.
Best regards
Dan - i-move-motorcycles (27-03-2018)
Response: No response yet
Question: Motorcycle transporter moving 25-30 bikes a week. i can collect and deliver tomorrow, 28th. regards rick - rc_rick (27-03-2018)
Response: No response yet
Question: unable to collect and deliver tomorrow now, so quote is for later date. rick - rc_rick (27-03-2018)
Response: No response yet