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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Vauxhal Vectra

Job ref: 596541 Date listed: 19-11-2017
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £120.00


Collect from:

Luton Bedfordshire LU4 0JA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Rochford Essex SS4 3AE United Kingdom


Approx. 70 miles


Fixed date


Between dates
Earliest : 20-11-2017
Latest: 23-11-2017

Listing description

Body type: Saloon
Make: Vauxhal
Model: Vectra
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Driven
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
wedriveyourvehicleusingtradeplates (558) £115.00 19-11-2017 Lapsed
tr4nsport3r (5) £120.00 19-11-2017 Lapsed
tr4nsport3r (5) £120.00 20-11-2017 Accepted


Question: Hi, when do you need vehicle to be delivered? - tr4nsport3r (19-11-2017)
Response: The pick up needs to be tomorrow, the delivery ideally by this Wednesday. It’s for a student film so really tight on budget, please could you do £90.
Question: Could puck up and deliver only on tuesday. - tr4nsport3r (19-11-2017)
Response: They are going away on Tuesday. Could you guarantee this will be picked up before 10 30 AM Tuesday. They are going away at 10 45 AM. Please could you guanrantee the above pick up time. Delivery could be any time on Tuesday.
Question: Yes i would pick up about 9am tuesday. - tr4nsport3r (19-11-2017)
Response: Ok, also let me know any chance for doing it for £90 ?.
Question: yes ill pick up at 9-9:30am. - tr4nsport3r (19-11-2017)
Response: Please could you give your contact number so we can book you in.
Question: nope, becouse deliveryqoutecompare take procent from that 90 and ill get nothing. :) - tr4nsport3r (20-11-2017)
Response: No response yet
Question: its not possible to wrrite here contac numbers. - tr4nsport3r (20-11-2017)
Response: Ok, thanks. I accidently closed the quote. Can you please repost them. So I can book it.
Question: Done. - tr4nsport3r (20-11-2017)
Response: No response yet