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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: suzuki alto

Job ref: 1234764 Date listed: 27-01-2025
Bids: 2 (0 active) Lowest bid: £249.00


Collect from:

London Greater London SW13 0DQ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 2BL United Kingdom


Approx. 95 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: suzuki
Model: alto
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
recovsam (146) £249.00 27-01-2025 Accepted
top_movers (133) £307.00 27-01-2025 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: HI, when would like the car transported?
Thanks Sam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: Any time in the next month. It's driveable but I live in France and after my aunt died we're giving it to my daughter who lives in Chippenham but hasn't passed her test yet so can't drive it back herself.
Question: HI, I can transport today , this week, or next week.
Sam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: any time, no hurry, how much?
Question: i have placed a quote? - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: I have place a quote. recovsam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: so sorry - first time on site. Yes, to your quote; how do I pay?
Question: Its ok, You just pay a small deposit to site and balance when i do the delivery. Thanks
Sam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: The site is not letting me pay from France!
Are you Sams breakdown recovery x593
Question: No That not me. - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: I am srrecov feltham - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, Thank you for accepting my quote - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: No problem. If you could let me know when it will be moved pls so I can tell Lily and you can sort out pick up logistics directly from Anthony. Then I suppose you just ring me to pay the remaining?
Question: Ok, i will liaise with them , Thanks
Sam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi .
I have tried to call the garage with no answer.
And I think lily's number is not correct.
Thanks Sam - recovsam (27-01-2025)
Response: you could try anthony's mobile at garage - 07799752975 garage no is 020 8741 3723?
Lily's number 07771565106 - sorry she changed it and we usually use Whatsapp.

Question: Ok.
I have already contacted Anthony.
I am on my way - recovsam (28-01-2025)
Response: Great. I'll let Lily know; She is home all day.
Question: Hi
Car delivered.
I have forwarded the payment details to lily.
She says she will send it to you.

Please confirm.

Thanks Sam - recovsam (28-01-2025)
Response: Yes its me paying. no problem.
it would be easiest for me to pay you asap by my first direct card over phone - is this possible? I can do a bank transfer but I'm away at mo so not ideal.
Have just done that with Anthony for the MOT and worked fine so just let me know a phone number or phone me on either french or english number +33 671 84 34 01 or 07931 393937
Thanks for everything, you've been fab, Cathy
Question: Hi Cathy.
I am afraid don't have a card machine.
Unfortunately I can only take bank transfer.


- recovsam (28-01-2025)
Response: ok I will do bank transfer today. Can you remind me how much is outstanding pls.
Question: Morning

It's £198.20 - recovsam (29-01-2025)
Response: just to let you know the payment has gone through. Thanks so much for the great service.
Question: Received.
Thanks Sam - recovsam (29-01-2025)
Response: No response yet