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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Renault Clio

Job ref: 1231118 Date listed: 08-11-2024
Bids: 11 (0 active) Lowest bid: £209.00


Collect from:

Farnborough Hampshire GU14 6UU United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 2DU United Kingdom


Approx. 91 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 08-11-2024
Latest: 11-11-2024


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Renault
Model: Clio
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
motorshift (0) £209.00 11-11-2024 Declined
vehicle.transport (3) £210.00 11-11-2024 Accepted
motorshift (0) £219.00 11-11-2024 Replaced
vehicle.transport (3) £220.00 09-11-2024 Replaced
tgo-mo (41) £227.00 10-11-2024 Declined
valrecovery1 (41) £250.00 09-11-2024 Declined
valrecovery1 (41) £251.00 08-11-2024 Replaced
valrecovery1 (41) £252.00 08-11-2024 Replaced
vehicle.transport (3) £252.00 08-11-2024 Replaced
vehicle.transport (3) £264.00 08-11-2024 Replaced
top_movers (129) £282.00 08-11-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi,
I can transport your vehicle today.
Let me know if you want to proceed.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (09-11-2024)
Response: 200 pounds to be delivered Monday?
Question: Hi,
If you increase your rate by £20 I will transport your vehicle on Monday morning for delivery before noon.
Only then is it worth it for me.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (09-11-2024)
Response: You mean 220?
Question: Yes, I updated the quote. If it's right for you, we'll be operating from Monday morning.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (09-11-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Yes,
I updated the quote.
If it's right for you, we'll be operating from Monday morning.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (09-11-2024)
Response: Okay, I will accept, please confirm this new address to deliver the car can be done tomorrow

Eastside place, railway road, Bn9 0AA
Question: Hi,
If possible I would prefer to pick up and deliver the vehicle today.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (11-11-2024)
Response: For how much?
Question: Hi,
We agreed on the price, but I will send an offer with a discount.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (11-11-2024)
Response: Okay, I am arranging the pickup today, will confirm and send you the time then accept the quote
Question: Hi,
My offer that I sent you is only valid until noon, because I can reschedule another transport. Accept it or consider it null and void.
Thanks, Richard - vehicle.transport (11-11-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ok,
Thanks - vehicle.transport (11-11-2024)
Response: What time is OK for you? 1pm ot 2pm to pick it up
1pm booked
Question: The 1 PM collection is definitely appropriate. - vehicle.transport (11-11-2024)
Response: Eastside place, railway road, Bn9 0AA

So the balance payment will be paid when the car gets there.

Provide account details pls