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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: nissan 300 zx

Job ref: 1214309 Date listed: 08-05-2024
Bids: 1 (0 active) Lowest bid: £496.00


Collect from:

Longbenton Tyne And Wear NE12 9SW United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Llanharry Rhondda Cynon Taf CF72 9NJ United Kingdom


Approx. 330 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Coupe
Make: nissan
Model: 300 zx
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
brytan83 (252) £496.00 08-05-2024 Accepted


Question: Hi there! When are you planning to transport your car? We have two experienced drivers ready to assist you. Let me know your preferred schedule. - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Hi.

When can you do the job and will the car be on the back of a low loader type vehicle?
Question: Your car will be safe on the platform of my single track, if the car is ready I can do it tomorrow morning,delivery same day, thank you - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: single track being lorry and not towed?
Question: I have mercedes sprinter 3.5tons - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Ok. The car is quite low. will it fit on the back of sprinter van ?
Question: Yes, I have already transported similar cars, after accept I will send you my website - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Ok. whats the name of your company so I can get the garage where there car is to contact you. Have you a phone number as well please?
Question: you have to prest accept my quote, after that you will see my data - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Ok. The car is very very low and garage need assurance that car will be not damaged. If you can guarantee this then we will be ok to order.
Question: if the car has a handle under the bumper, I can safely pull it in with a winch, then I will definitely not damage the car, I have already transported low cars like Ariel Atom - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Unfortunately there is no bar on the from but I am sure a good operator will ensure the car is loaded and unloaded safely and correctly. Can we book this then please.
Question: If it can be pulled in with a winch, yes, I guarantee it - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: Yes. It has been on a few open backed transporter vans so all should be good.

Can I proceed then please?

Question: yes please - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: ok. what do I do next to book your service?

I can see a book now button so ill press that and follow instructions
Question: yes, press accept please - brytan83 (08-05-2024)
Response: No response yet