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Listing summary

adria caravan

Job ref: 1213755 Date listed: 01-05-2024
Bids: 2 (2 active) Lowest bid: £554.00


Collect from:

Templecombe Somerset BA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Selkirk Scottish Borders TD7 5DN United Kingdom


Approx. 366 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Dimensions: 8.30 x 2.40 x 3.00 m
Is it on a trailer? No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (299) £554.00 01-05-2024 01-06-2024
hitchpitch-244 (12) £613.00 11-05-2024 01-06-2024


Question: Model and age please - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: Sorry about that, missed key information.

Adria Adora

Hope this helps.
Question: Thank you - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: To proceed you only need accept my quote to get it booked - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: Understood, just as soon as I know.
Question: When do you want it moved - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: Not sure yet, was trying to find out costs and if it can be transported as it's a fair distance from Selkirk.

Will let you know if that's ok
Question: That’s fine - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: That’s fine - a1towing (01-05-2024)
Response: sorry for delay.

Caravan going in for habitation tomorrow. All being well deal will be done. However we are going to take advantage whilst it's in to get a motor mover fitted.
Question: Good afternoon, do you have any dates in mind? - 1paulbol (07-05-2024)
Response: My apologies still negotiating as caravan needs service and motor mover fitted.

Appreciate your patience
Question: No problem. So next week is out of the question? - 1paulbol (08-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: That’s ok you have to get these things done keep me posted and message me when it’s done - a1towing (13-05-2024)
Response: No response yet