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Listing summary

Single axle 4 berth caravan

Job ref: 1211014 Date listed: 29-03-2024
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Cardiff Cardiff CF14 1HB United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Reigate Surrey RH United Kingdom


Approx. 155 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

Dimensions: 5.00 x 3.00 x 2.00 m
Is it on a trailer? No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (298) £496.00 31-03-2024 Expired
hutchinson15 (356) £610.00 31-03-2024 Expired
a1towing (298) £613.00 29-03-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: When could this be collected? - milly7475 (29-03-2024)
Response: Hi, my car has broken and there is a long wait to get it fixed. Looking to have the caravan towed from Cardiff to reigate and back, leaving on the 11th of April and returning on the 14th.
Question: Hi what’s the make model and age of the caravan - a1towing (29-03-2024)
Response: Caravan is a bailey pegasus and is 3years old
Question: Can accommodate your dates at the moment - a1towing (29-03-2024)
Response: Brill. How much for drop off a d collections, essentially?
* how much for drop off and collection, please
Question: It’s 600 miles round trip collect deliver to site collect from site and deliver back quote also includes this site fee - a1towing (29-03-2024)
Response: Brill. How much please?
Question: I have put a fully inclusive quote on - a1towing (29-03-2024)
Response: Ah yes, thanks