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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Chevrolet Orlando 2012

Job ref: 1209761 Date listed: 18-03-2024
Bids: 1 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Cottingham East Riding Of Yorkshire HU16 5RQ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Northampton West Northamptonshire NN2 6HQ United Kingdom


Approx. 146 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Between dates
Earliest : 18-03-2024
Latest: 23-03-2024

Listing description

Body type: MPV (People carrier)
Make: Chevrolet Orlando
Model: 2012
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
tomauto (543) £252.00 18-03-2024 Withdrawn
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, when would you like collection please?
Regards Tom - tomauto (18-03-2024)
Response: Hi Tom,
I will like collection done tomorrow
Will you be able to collect and deliver tomorrow?
Question: Hi, sorry we are booked tomorrow.
Regards Tom - tomauto (18-03-2024)
Response: When are you free to do the delivery?
Question: Hi, we could collect first thing tomorrow morning with direct delivery?
Please let us know asap if this would be ok for you.
Regards Tom - tomauto (19-03-2024)
Response: That's fine. What's the next step?
Question: Sorry slot now taken - tomauto (19-03-2024)
Response: Ok. Please reschedule for another time/day and let me know