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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Toyota Argo

Job ref: 1198728 Date listed: 02-12-2023
Bids: 9 (0 active) Lowest bid: £214.00


Collect from:

Amesbury Wiltshire SP4 7GH United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Leicester City Of Leicester LE4 0BQ United Kingdom


Approx. 136 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Other
Make: Toyota
Model: Argo
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (294) £214.00 03-12-2023 Withdrawn
a1towing (294) £214.00 03-12-2023 Accepted
a1towing (294) £239.00 02-12-2023 Lapsed
a1towing (294) £239.00 02-12-2023 Replaced
roger_apm2021 (159) £245.00 02-12-2023 Lapsed
roger_apm2021 (159) £245.00 02-12-2023 Declined
classic_movers_555 (23) £276.00 02-12-2023 Declined
a1towing (294) £288.00 02-12-2023 Replaced
a1towing (294) £288.00 02-12-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: I’ve reduced the quote you only need accept it to progress this further - a1towing (03-12-2023)
Response: Can you please confirm the reduced fee so l can proceed. How much are you willing to accept.
Question: I’ve placed a new bid on the total is 214 - a1towing (03-12-2023)
Response: Can l pay £200 please.
Question: No I’d make no money out if it as 20 percent goes to site I’m not going to keep reducing in fact I’m removing my quote because I don’t think anything will please you - a1towing (03-12-2023)
Response: Okay let’s proceed with £214
Question: You need to accept quote and proceed from there - a1towing (03-12-2023)
Response: No response yet