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Listing summary

28ft maxum sports cruiser on trailer

Job ref: 1190806 Date listed: 14-09-2023
Bids: 15 (0 active) Lowest bid: £496.00


Collect from:

Boston Lincolnshire PE21 8DR United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Poole Poole BH15 4EL United Kingdom


Approx. 226 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 14-09-2023
Latest: 26-09-2023


Between dates
Earliest : 14-09-2023
Latest: 26-09-2023

Listing description

Boat type: Powerboat with outdrive
Dimensions: 8.50 x 2.90 x 0.91 m
Is it on a trailer? Yes


View Pictures

Bid Amount Submitted Expires
jeffrow (3) £496.00 15-09-2023 Accepted
youstar (12) £531.00 15-09-2023 Declined
youstar (12) £542.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £543.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £554.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
youstar (12) £565.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £566.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £578.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
youstar (12) £588.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £589.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £601.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
youstar (12) £612.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £613.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
jeffrow (3) £636.00 15-09-2023 Replaced
youstar (12) £671.00 14-09-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: hi it is under 3.5 ton and Road legal thanks jeff - jeffrow (15-09-2023)
Response: Hi. Its listed weight is 3.009 tonne. Its been out the water a fairly long time so will be dry. Would you be able to collect sunday morning?
Question: Hi before you accept my quote are the tires less than five years old my insurance will not cover a blow out or damage to the trailer or boat after a blow out is the boat worth more than 50,000 - jeffrow (15-09-2023)
Response: Its worth £25000. I will find out how old they are. If too old will put new ones on.
We good for sunday morning?
Question: Hi Sunday morning is great thanks Jeff - jeffrow (15-09-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi Sunday is ok is the trailer got brakes on it and working thanks Jeff - jeffrow (15-09-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi have they looked at the tires today thanks Jeff - jeffrow (16-09-2023)
Response: No response yet