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Listing summary


Job ref: 1190505 Date listed: 11-09-2023
Bids: 9 (0 active) Lowest bid: £315.00


Collect from:

Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE12 9SQ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 5SH United Kingdom


Approx. 275 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: FORD
Model: FOCUS
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
michaelncl (25) £315.00 12-09-2023 Accepted
michaelncl (25) £320.00 12-09-2023 Replaced
michaelncl (25) £350.00 12-09-2023 Replaced
patch_evans (477) £369.00 12-09-2023 Lapsed
michaelncl (25) £370.00 12-09-2023 Lapsed
patch_evans (477) £372.00 11-09-2023 Replaced
michaelncl (25) £374.00 11-09-2023 Replaced
arr1999 (294) £377.00 11-09-2023 Lapsed
arr1999 (294) £381.00 12-09-2023 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Is Tuesday next week any good? Thanks - michaelncl (12-09-2023)
Response: Hi Michael, it can be collected anytime from today onwards and delivered anytime next week.
Whats the best you can do including vat
Question: Is it coming from an auction/salvage? Does it drive for loading? Does it have keys? I can collect on TUesday and delivery should be same day or next day traffic/other jobs & weather permitting. Would this work? Thnaks - michaelncl (12-09-2023)
Response: its coming from BCA Auctions and need to be transported.
it needs to be collected by monday and can be delivered anytime.
it should drive for loading without issues and have keys.
Question: Ok, i can collect on Monday and deliver next day. Does it have keys and is ok for loading? Thanks - michaelncl (12-09-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ok, I will collect it on Monday for you. Please accept my quote asap. Thanks - michaelncl (12-09-2023)
Response: Hi Michael, I'm waiting for cheaper quotes.
I got offered £320 earlier on other platform

What can you do for me?

Also, does your quote VAT included. I can pay cash on collection (Tuesday) or bank transfer.

The vehicle is at BCA New Castle upon tyne.
Question: Hi. The quote was places for you. Would you like to go ahead? Thanks - michaelncl (13-09-2023)
Response: HI All Done

All info on the details, let us know if any issues , i will be out the country from Friday and Back on Monday night so you may what's app me if any issues.

i have booked 2pm on Monday at BCA as well.
