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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: BMW 5 Series 520d Touring Estate

Job ref: 1172441 Date listed: 10-04-2023
Bids: 4 (0 active) Lowest bid: £268.00


Collect from:

High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 1EZ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Congleton Cheshire East CW12 1AG United Kingdom


Approx. 158 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Estate
Make: BMW 5 Series
Model: 520d Touring Estate
Operational: No
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ken222 (34) £300.00 10-04-2023 Accepted
thecareditiontransport (2) £319.00 10-04-2023 Declined
alixaquala (29) £337.00 10-04-2023 Declined
alixaquala (29) £422.00 10-04-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: col/del Thursday before closing at the delivery address,Ken - ken222 (11-04-2023)
Response: That's great Ken. I'll accept the quote and we can arrange the final details afterwards. Thursday fine. Just waiting to hear back from BMW and will check with them what the procedure is for pickup on Thursday as I'm currently in Manchester.
Many thanks,
Mark Brady
Question: No worries Mark - ken222 (11-04-2023)
Response: No response yet