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Listing summary

Beneteau Antares 10.8m

Job ref: 1155436 Date listed: 01-11-2022
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £6,808.00


Collect from:

Viladamat Girona Spain

Deliver to:

Helensburgh Argyll and Bute G United Kingdom


Approx. 1278 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 15-11-2022
Latest: 21-12-2022


Fixed date

Listing description

Boat type: Powerboat with shaft drive
Dimensions: 10.80 x 3.50 x 12.00 m
Is it on a trailer? No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ricka17777 (272) £151.00 09-11-2022 Withdrawn
mightymagnum (1) £6,808.00 16-11-2022 Accepted
fitzcarraldo (4) £14,906.00 11-11-2022 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: How heavy? How high? Or do you know the name of the builder and model? - fitzcarraldo (04-11-2022)
Response: Good morning, the boat is a Beneteau 10.8m. She is a power boat with twin engines. 10.8m in length and approximately 5.5MT hope this helps.
Question: It says on roadworthy trailer is this correct thank you - charliebouy (06-11-2022)
Response: Hi, no it's not on a trailer and the make of the boat is a Beneteau 10.8m, she is a twin screw power boat and approximately 5.5MT, hope this helps.
Question: Ok thank you - charliebouy (08-11-2022)
Response: Hi,

Could you do this Job?

Question: Sorry can’t help at the moment - charliebouy (08-11-2022)
Response: Many thanks for your help.