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Listing summary

1 Bed Flat Move

Job ref: 720896 Date listed: 01-10-2018
Bids: 10 (0 active) Lowest bid: £279.00


Collect from:

Hull Hull HU9 1PX United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Larbert Falkirk FK5 3AF United Kingdom


Approx. 276 miles

Approximate moving date:


Listing description

Moving From
Property type: 1 Bed Flat
Floor: First Floor
Lift: No
Packing services required: No
Moving To
Property type: 1 Bed Flat
Floor: First Floor
Lift: No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ashpatel (308) £279.00 09-10-2018 Accepted
puma1957 (5) £280.00 08-10-2018 Declined
ashpatel (308) £289.00 08-10-2018 Replaced
puma1957 (5) £290.00 08-10-2018 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £299.00 04-10-2018 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £329.00 03-10-2018 Replaced
puma1957 (5) £350.00 02-10-2018 Replaced
michaelandvan (2) £350.00 02-10-2018 Declined
michaelandvan (2) £365.00 02-10-2018 Replaced
puma1957 (5) £370.00 01-10-2018 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, what needs moving?
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (02-10-2018)
Response: 3 large suitcases, 2-3 boxes of books, 2 hiking backpacks, printer fan some small stuff
Question: Hi thanks for getting back to me, when would you like it doing?
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (03-10-2018)
Response: Hi, I'm liaising with my friend who has the stuff in hull and will confirm soon. Would it be possible for you to collect it on any weekday after 6pm from hull and deliver it anytime on Wednesday /Saturday /Sunday in the coming week starting 8/10/18
Question: Hi, do you still need this doing?
Look forward to hearing from you,
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (09-10-2018)
Response: Yes, sorry for the delay. I've been waiting for my friend to confirm. He's said Thursday after 6 would be ideal for him. So we'll it be possible to kindly collect on Thursday after 6 from hull and deliver it to larbert after 5 on Friday or on weekend.
Also can you please lower the bid so that I can accept as presently I wouldn't be able to apply for employer contribution given that there's a bid £9 lower than yours.

Question: Hi, I have lowered my bid as well please accept so I can get you booked in,
yeah that's not a problem I can pick it up after 6 thurday and then I'll get it up to you either Friday or at the weekend,
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (09-10-2018)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, I have lowered my bid as well please accept so I can get you booked in,
yeah that's not a problem I can pick it up after 6 thurday and then I'll get it up to you either Friday or at the weekend,
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (09-10-2018)
Response: No response yet