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Listing summary

Storage Move

Job ref: 519628 Date listed: 11-05-2017
Bids: 4 (0 active) Lowest bid: £173.00


Collect from:

Glasgow Lanarkshire G United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Harrogate North Yorkshire HG United Kingdom


Approx. 207 miles

Approximate moving date:


Listing description

Moving From
Property type: Storage
Floor: Ground
Lift: No
Packing services required: No
Moving To
Property type: Warehouse
Floor: Ground
Lift: No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ashpatel (309) £173.00 17-05-2017 Accepted
ashpatel (309) £199.00 12-05-2017 Replaced
kcs9kirk (76) £400.00 12-05-2017 Declined
mick-the-courier (224) £466.00 11-05-2017 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: What exactly needs moving. Thanks. Mick - mick-the-courier (11-05-2017)
Response: Hi, Thanks for your quick response.

Its a metal computer comms cabinet.
approx L x W x H 90cm x 100cm x 200cm
weight about 150kg
Question: Can it be layed down flat for delivery? - mick-the-courier (11-05-2017)
Response: it can be, providing there is some card/foam under it to prevent painted surfaced being scratched too much.
Question: I have blankets and straps.
Will there be help to load and unload? - mick-the-courier (11-05-2017)
Response: it can be lightened by removing the doors and side panels,
i can assist with loading, nut will check in the morning for unloading.
Question: OK. I'll place a bid to collect and deliver on monday. Thanks. Mick - mick-the-courier (11-05-2017)
Response: No response yet
Question: What's the Glasgow postcode code please - mick-the-courier (12-05-2017)
Response: hi its g53 7pw

my bidget was £140.00 as that what iuve charged my customer, i cant afford the price you have quoted.
Question: I'm sorry £140 won't get it delivered . All the best. Mick - mick-the-courier (12-05-2017)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, I can pickup and delivery same day,
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (12-05-2017)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi Haroon, do you still want this doing for Thursday?
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (16-05-2017)
Response: Yes please. Thursday or Friday :)

Question: Hi Haroon,
I've got a job up in Aberdeen tomorrow so I can collect it on my way back down,
Look forward to hearing from you,
Thanks Ash. - ashpatel (17-05-2017)
Response: Great. Approx what time will you collect and expect to deliver?
Question: It will probably be late afternoon when I collect and then I can deliver straight away on my way back down - ashpatel (17-05-2017)
Response: thanks before 5pm ? As the destination closes at 5pm ?
Question: Ye hopefully, if not I can delivery on Friday morning,
- ashpatel (17-05-2017)
Response: No response yet