Postal Strike Results in 30% Rise for Courier Businesses

Daniel Parry, founder of delivery quote comparison service Deliveryquotecompare commented that; “Since publicity of the strikes began, we have experienced a 30% surge in customers using our courier cost comparison service”.

Thousands of Royal Mail workers across the country recently went on a 48-hour strike in a row over pay, conditions and modernisation. With more strikes planned by members of the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) in the run-up to Christmas, many are seeking alternatives for their delivery needs.

The number of searches for “courier” on Google has risen by 46 per cent in the last four weeks, around 75 per cent of businesses surveyed by the British Chamber of Commerce said they were considering using rival delivery services during the postal strike.

A number of large businesses, including Amazon and Argos, are already planning to ditch the Royal Mail and take their business elsewhere. Meanwhile online auction site eBay has withdrawn its seller feedback facility for delivery times, as many businesses were receiving negative feedback due to the massive mail backlog.

Royal Mail has previously conceded that its business postal service, which makes up around 90 per cent of all the parcels and letters it delivers, was under serious threat from the private delivery industry. The industrial action being planned by the CWU in the run-up to the festive season will do nothing to ease those fears.
If the postal strike has disrupted your delivery plans, visit Delivery Quote Compare to search through hundreds of delivery firms and find the best alternative deal.

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Delivery Quote Compare is designed for everyone who has better things to do than repeat the same information again and again when looking for delivery quotes. If you require a courier, shipping, haulage, removals, transporter, or air freight quote, simply complete our online form and start receiving quotes from 100’s of registered transport providers. Whatever you need to move is the quick and easy way to receive competitive delivery quotes free of charge and without obligation.

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