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Listing summary


Job ref: 894731 Date listed: 25-04-2020
Bids: 6 (0 active) Lowest bid: £37.00


Collect from:

Lincoln Lincolnshire LN6 8BD United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Doncaster South Yorkshire DN7 4PA United Kingdom


Approx. 42 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.50 x 0.30 x 1.00 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
82transporteraa (449) £37.00 27-04-2020 Declined
georges12 (4) £42.00 28-04-2020 Accepted
georges12 (4) £46.00 27-04-2020 Replaced
georges12 (4) £47.00 25-04-2020 Replaced
82transporteraa (449) £47.00 25-04-2020 Replaced
82transporteraa (449) £50.00 25-04-2020 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Collect and deliver today? - derbyram (25-04-2020)
Response: No response yet
Question: Collection and Delivery Tommorow Afternoon - 82transporteraa (25-04-2020)
Response: Will you be in the Lincoln area tomorrow afternoon
Question: Good Afternoon, is this job still required?

I'll be local to the collection Tommorow AM


Ali - 82transporteraa (27-04-2020)
Response: No response yet
Question: I'm there in the morning, what time in the afternoon are you thinking?


Ali - 82transporteraa (27-04-2020)
Response: Hi Ali,
Do you want to ring me on easier than texting
Jut I’m going to have to contact seller to arrange it tonight
I was looking at just before dinner but might be too late to arrange it now
Question: The site doesn't allow exchange of any contact details prior to a confirmed Booking.

I'm in the area now but if you can't get confirmation from the seller before 09:30 then we can possibly arrange for another day.

Please do confirm my availability prior to Booking if not this morning.

Ali - 82transporteraa (28-04-2020)
Response: Ok thank you, I just wanted more information before I paid money on a website
It won’t be today now but will let you know about another day
Thanks Paul
Question: Regarding Payment
You'll need to make a £12 to Delivery Quote Compare (Booking Fee) and the remaining balance of £25 to me on Delivery via Bank Transfer

Hope this helps

I'll await your contact

- 82transporteraa (28-04-2020)
Response: Thanks for your help