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Listing summary

York 2 in 1 Dumbell & Ab Bench with Curl. Barbell, Dumbells & 67.5kg of Wei

Job ref: 887970 Date listed: 29-03-2020
Bids: 12 (0 active) Lowest bid: £55.00


Collect from:

Chorley Lancashire PR6 7TZ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Wilmslow Cheshire East SK9 2JT United Kingdom


Approx. 39 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.40 x 0.40 x 0.30 m


View Pictures

Bid Amount Submitted Expires
dalecat (2) £52.00 30-03-2020 Replaced
dalecat (2) £55.00 30-03-2020 Accepted
nshah1 (74) £57.00 30-03-2020 Declined
arrows (465) £70.00 30-03-2020 Declined
nshah1 (74) £75.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
timothy45 (1) £76.00 29-03-2020 Withdrawn
nshah1 (74) £82.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
timothy45 (1) £83.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
nshah1 (74) £87.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
timothy45 (1) £88.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
nshah1 (74) £90.00 29-03-2020 Replaced
jaff123 (54) £95.00 29-03-2020 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Is collection for tonight? - dalecat (30-03-2020)
Response: Yes please
If you give me an approx time for tonight I’ll accept your offer and take it from there
Question: Ill be at collection address for 17:00 - 17:30 - dalecat (30-03-2020)
Response: Ok great, thanks.
I am on website. I have to pay them deposit of £12 pounds and the rest to you on delivery. Wat is you mobile number and I will send you a screen shot of it. My mobile number is 07932 577601.
I have paid the deposit and completed the acceptance. If you need anything else let me know if you want me to send the remainder of the money £43 let me have your bank details.