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Listing summary

air compresor

Job ref: 467109 Date listed: 26-12-2016
Bids: 15 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Abingdon Oxfordshire OX United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB United Kingdom


Approx. 504 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.30 x 1.00 x 150.00 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
imoveuk (527) £200.00 29-12-2016 Expired
scribble (231) £252.00 29-12-2016 Expired
scribble (231) £285.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
scribble (231) £301.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
brilldaddy (8) £335.00 27-12-2016 Expired
brilldaddy (8) £372.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £373.00 27-12-2016 Expired
ashpatel (308) £397.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
brilldaddy (8) £398.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £399.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
brilldaddy (8) £435.00 27-12-2016 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £439.00 26-12-2016 Replaced
alec1958 (3) £440.00 26-12-2016 Expired
ashpatel (308) £449.00 26-12-2016 Replaced
alec1958 (3) £480.00 26-12-2016 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Size check please - mick-the-courier (26-12-2016)
Response: waiting for the sellers to send correct mesurment. but is compresor 1.50m x1.00m x1.20m. I see on the picture. what rufly price for transport
Question: Hi. I charge £1 per mile - mick-the-courier (26-12-2016)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi can pick up today 27th Deliver 28th - ashpatel (27-12-2016)
Response: No response yet