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Listing summary

Chaise Longue (3 flights of stairs at delivery)

Job ref: 1211360 Date listed: 02-04-2024
Bids: 2 (0 active) Lowest bid: £183.00


Collect from:

London Greater London N8 7QB United Kingdom

Deliver to:

London Greater London E13 9BF United Kingdom


Approx. 15 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 02-04-2024
Latest: 07-04-2024


Between dates
Earliest : 06-04-2024
Latest: 07-04-2024

Listing description

People required: 2 People
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.77 x 0.55 x 0.72 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
top_movers (125) £183.00 02-04-2024 Accepted
milly7475 (55) £189.00 02-04-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Could this be collected today? - milly7475 (02-04-2024)
Response: I am pretty sure it can be collected today, but it can't be delivered until after 6:30pm when someone will be home.
Question: We can collect today and deliver after 6.30pm to include two people and delivering up 3 flight of stairs
- milly7475 (02-04-2024)
Response: That would have been perfect, but probably too late now. Sorry, I was working.
Question: we could do tomorrow? - milly7475 (02-04-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: would tomorrow be an option? - milly7475 (02-04-2024)
Response: No response yet