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Listing summary

small printing studio equipment

Job ref: 1198413 Date listed: 29-11-2023
Bids: 11 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Exeter Devon EX United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Wrexham Wrexham LL United Kingdom


Approx. 224 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


Between dates
Earliest : 04-01-2024
Latest: 09-01-2024

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 4
Dimensions: 1.40 x 1.40 x 1.40 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
mwebb86 (0) £433.00 11-12-2023 Expired
mwebb86 (0) £435.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
82transporteraa (465) £435.00 11-12-2023 Expired
82transporteraa (465) £470.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
mwebb86 (0) £471.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
mwebb86 (0) £477.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
82transporteraa (465) £482.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
mwebb86 (0) £483.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
mwebb86 (0) £496.00 11-12-2023 Replaced
82transporteraa (465) £500.00 29-11-2023 Replaced
mwebb86 (0) £589.00 11-12-2023 Withdrawn
Show closed bids


Question: Please confirm the measurements and of this Equipment? - 82transporteraa (29-11-2023)
Response: printing table 140x120x95, dryer/print rack 135x135x100 exposure unit 130x130x100 plus numerous small loose items and ancilliary equipment. From previous experience of moving, it all fits neatly into medium sized Transit or similar and some would be dis-assembled for ease of handling
Question: Thank you,
I can Collect and Deliver within 7 Days from Booking ( Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays ) between the following hours ( 05:30 and 21:30 ) prior notice will be given the day before Collection and a call 60 minutes prior to arrival.
PLEASE share, if there are any special requirements or RESTRICTIONS (Collection/Delivery days or times, Parking, Access) PRIOR TO BOOKING.

Subject to HELP loading and unloading, if needed ( Ground floor to Ground floor only, unless negociated)

A Faster or Specific date service is available at a different price
Ali - 82transporteraa (29-11-2023)
Response: No response yet