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Listing summary

Small Stihl rotavator

Job ref: 1030568 Date listed: 21-04-2021
Bids: 11 (0 active) Lowest bid: £62.00


Collect from:

Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear NE40 3SP United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Leicester Leicester LE2 7QE United Kingdom


Approx. 189 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.50 x 0.70 x 0.70 m


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Bid Amount Submitted Expires
courier34 (61) £62.00 21-04-2021 Accepted
murray7 (61) £63.00 21-04-2021 Withdrawn
dtransport2019 (309) £63.00 21-04-2021 Declined
courier34 (61) £70.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
courier34 (61) £75.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
murray7 (61) £76.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
murray7 (61) £86.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
courier34 (61) £87.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
murray7 (61) £88.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
ready2go9 (2) £126.00 21-04-2021 Declined
ready2go9 (2) £229.00 21-04-2021 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: re my quote, collection would be tomorrow (thurs 22nd) early afternoon and delivery late afternoon/early evening
regards from Murray - murray7 (21-04-2021)
Response: Hello there
Ok thanks for the response
What's the least you can do?
Question: Hi
I'm afraid that is my best price, If you wish to book please do so via the website then the system will allow us to make direct contact.
Thanks from Murray - murray7 (21-04-2021)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi again

On reflection I have dropped the price but this is definately the bottom line. I like a customer who has the guts to haggle lol - murray7 (21-04-2021)
Response: No response yet