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Listing summary

two large wardrobes

Job ref: 302548 Date listed: 25-05-2015
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £79.00


Collect from:

Cardiff South Glamorgan CF23 9AA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Cardiff South Glamorgan CF5 1DU United Kingdom


Approx. 5 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Listing description

Group 1
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 5.91 x 16.07 x 19.42 m
Group 2
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 5.91 x 11.42 x 19.41 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
cphillips2014 (316) £50.00 25-05-2015 Replaced
fox-movers (23) £79.00 25-05-2015 Declined
cphillips2014 (316) £80.00 25-05-2015 Accepted


Question: Hi there,

Can you confirm the dimensions of the two wardrobes please?

Kind regards - cphillips2014 (25-05-2015)
Response: wardrobe 1 hight 1942 cm, width 1607, depth 591
wardrobe 2 height 1941 cm, width, 1142cm, depth 591 cm

I will need the wardrobes collected from a store, transferred and placed upstairs.

With thanks
sorry, I assume you got it as you didn't question it!

wardrobe 1 height 195 cm, width 160cm, depth 59cm
wardrob 2 height 195 cm, width 114cm, depth 59cm

Just wondering, will you have two men for this job?


Question: Can you double check your measurements please? - titaneu (25-05-2015)
Response: sorry

wardrobe 1, height 195cm, width 160cm, depth 60cm
wardrobe 2, height 195cm, width 114cm, depth 60cm
Question: at 19 metres long they are the same length as a bendy bus - titaneu (25-05-2015)
Response: whoops!

wardrobe 1 height 195 cm, width 160 cm, depth 60cm
wardrobe 2 height 195 cm, width 114 cm, depth 60 cm
Question: Hi there,

this is not a problem for us. We can transport the wardrobes up stairs for you but the is an extra cost of £15.00 as it will take extra time and care to safe place them upstairs.

I will make the amendment to the bid now to include the £15.00 to us.

Kind regards - cphillips2014 (25-05-2015)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi there,

This will not be a problem for us.

There is an extra charge of £30.00 this is £15.00 each because of the delivery of taking it upstairs. This will require extra time in safely transporting the two wardrobes.

I have amended the quotes to include the extra charge.

Kind regards
- cphillips2014 (25-05-2015)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi,

Yes thee will be two drivers.

Kind regards - cphillips2014 (26-05-2015)
Response: Hello, yet another question. I am about to accept your quote. Do I need to wrap the wardrobes or do you do that? I may need another wardrobe moving between rooms on the day but will try to do this myself first. I recognise there will be an extra charge for this. Will let you know as soon as I know.

Question: Hi,

it wouldn't be a problem for us to move another wardrobe for you from room to room, we would have to charge £10 for that though just because of time.

Regarding the wrapping we would blanket wrap the wardrobes and strap them safely to the van. However, we advise that the edges be bubble wrapped for extra care. if you would like us to do this it would be an extra cost of £5.00.

Hope this helps

Kind regards - cphillips2014 (26-05-2015)
Response: Hi, I have and an invoice from ATAW transport. There seems to confusion as they are unaware of the removals from upstairs in a shop to upstairs in the house. Could you check this out please and confirm with them my requirements. I have suggested to Catherine that I would also like to pay the £5 per item for the packing service. I make the total to pay £75 as I have paid a £15 deposit. Do you agree?
