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Listing summary


Job ref: 1206456 Date listed: 16-02-2024
Bids: 6 (0 active) Lowest bid: £244.00


Collect from:

Harrow Greater London HA3 6QY United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Edinburgh City Of Edinburgh EH4 2HR United Kingdom


Approx. 394 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 16-02-2024
Latest: 22-02-2024


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 2 People
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.88 x 1.09 x 0.79 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ashpatel (308) £244.00 17-02-2024 Declined
82transporteraa (450) £245.00 17-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £249.00 17-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £250.00 17-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £374.00 19-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £400.00 19-02-2024 Accepted


Question: Good Morning,
I can Collect and Deliver within 7 Days from Booking ( excluding Weekends ) between the following hours ( 05:30 and 21:30 ) prior notice will be given the day before Collection and a call 60 minutes prior to arrival.
PLEASE share, if there are any special requirements or RESTRICTIONS (Collection/Delivery days or times, Parking, Access) PRIOR TO BOOKING.

Subject to HELP loading and unloading, if needed (Ground floor to Ground floor only, unless negociated)

A Faster or Specific date service is available at a different price
Ali - 82transporteraa (17-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ok,
Subject to Booking by 17:00 TODAY (19th) I can Collect Tommorow Morning and Deliver next week.

Alternatively... i can Collect and Deliver within 10 Days from Booking, between the following hours ( 05:30 and 21:30 ) prior notice will be given the day before Collection and a call 60 minutes prior to arrival.

Please share, if there are any special requirements or restrictions (Collection/Delivery days or times, Parking, Access) prior to BOOKING.

Subject to HELP loading & unloading, if needed ( Ground floor to Ground floor only, unless negociated )
Ali - 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: Hi Ali,

Let me check to see if we can have someone in tomorrow to help with collection. If we cant get someone for tomorrow would you be avaible for 22nd collection?

in terms of requirements or restrictions;
- collection address has roadside parking outside but it depends on free spaces, we can maybe try to save a space outside though
- delivery address is private parking and we have a pass for parking so no issues there.
- for delivery, it's a 1st floor flat but were happy for it to get delivered to the lobby and we can take it from there

I'll get back to you once i know if someone will be in tomorrow.

Question: Will need confirmation for Tommorow or 22nd by 17:00 Today.

-22nd Collection will be £25 more
- Collection time 0630 - 0800
- 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: Thanks, we can have someone to let you in tommorow but they might struggle to help you.

can you supply an extra person to help shift the sofa at the collection address?

We wont need a helper at the delivery address as there will be two of us to help the delivery driver.

Question: Could get help but would increase the quote.

Where at the property Is the Sofa? As I could possibly use a loading trolley - 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: Ok what would be the price in that case? I just noticed the price went up already, have you updated the quote already?

Question: The updated price was for the Collection Tommorow...original quote was for flexible Collection. - 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Quote amended for 2 man Collection Tommorow, and Delivey within 7 Days...it really needs to be Booked by 1800 Today. - 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: Ok happy with that i'll get that booked in now
Question: A confirmation message as been sent to you, via WhatsApp - 82transporteraa (19-02-2024)
Response: No response yet